Its Rocking
Though I must admit that I am on the atyachari (tormentor) side in this video but nonetheless its a harsh reality and awesomely rocking. Njoy guys and have a break...

Source -

Cheers !!
8 Responses

  1. Someone seems to be really really worked up and needs more getaways than one!

  2. Sparkling Says:

    Can't see any :(

    P.S: Btw, all you posts are dated 17th April.

  3. vinny Says:

    yeh mere cybercafe mein nahi khula :(

    anyways, i know u r a bad bad i could already imagine:)

    P.S: nice to see an interesting blog layout finally!!

  4. Scrawler and Tranquility - :)

    Sparkling and Vin - Try this

    or simple search for "MakeMyTrip against Offisial Atyachaar:Get Out Before You Burn" on youtube

  5. Sparkling - Yeah, the date thing is not working as it should.. some thing to do with new template. Will see to it.. no time now :(

    Need to work on expanding the size of skype window as well..

  6. Unknown Says:

    You're the greatest programmer in the world!