Video Time
Traditionally, I am not a big fan of online video streaming thing as most of the times I find the whole buffering and playing exercise so tedious that just can’t wait and end up in closing the window in first 2 minutes itself. So in a world where Youtube and similar services are such a big bang among the tech savvy and not so tech savvy guys, I find myself standing some where on the thin line in between of these two types. I can’t just ignore them, coz they keep flowing in my mailbox and then every second link or website these days have such videos embedded there. At the same time I can never gather much endurance to go through the whole ordeal and watch the complete video. In last couple of days there were two videos which attracted me a lot. To rephrase myself, the first video was some thing which really fascinated me and the other one was a great attempt from one of my team members here in office and thus worth mentioning here. 

To start with, Microsoft has released a video on how they envision this world in 2019. I wont say that I love Microsoft but I must admit when they decide to do some thing, they do it really big and in a delightful way, not to mention thoughtful too, very unlikely to their software and operating systems (no pun intended). So here Microsoft tries to see in future and two facts which I noticed especially in the video, the touch and voice based communication is going to rule and thus eliminating any need for additional mediums between user and the world. The second thing is that in the whole video they have emphasized on “Hindi” as the other language. I was surprised to see that instead of any other language from the world (Chinese, French or whatever) they chose Hindi, reasons still unknown to me.

The second video is some thing which one of my team members shot on the road. Our very own and beloved India TV has a service where viewers can shoot a video on some social issue and send it over to them. If it is worth mentioning they broadcast it on their website and reward the sender along with telecasting it. So Mitesh in our office shot a video and sent it to them and it got selected as best video for 4th March. He won a TV and DVD player and now seeking support from the viewers who can vote him and help making his video as best video for March. You can see his listing here

To vote him you can SMS “AV 04-03” on 5600600 from your cell phone. When he told me about it, I couldn’t help but asked how he shot this video. The instant reply was “I was going on flyover on my bike when I saw this and shot it with my mobile” My reaction was.. “wow, so some one carrying several milk cans on a bike is a social issue of great concern but how about some one shooting a video from mobile phone when driving a bike” I wish I could be there and shoot his video while doing it and probably I could win the best video award :)


13 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    chennai darshan

  2. D Writer Says:

    my attitude towards online streaming videos, quite similar to yours...I liked your post, still patience is a scarcity..will see the video some other time

  3. karmanna - :))

    D Writer - now that was a diplomatic comment ;)

  4. Rajeswari Says:
    This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Rajeswari Says:

    The second video is no longer available :-(

    your greediness increasing day by day :P

  6. BrownPhantom Says:

    I thrive on streaming videos; I don't have tv since that kills time, but I do catch up "highlights" on you tube.

    I liked your idea of someone using camera while driving :). What about people talking on cellphones while driving. It certainly is an issue these days. They definitely slow down the traffic if not acccidents.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    I love the fact that you are actuall using a SoapBox video :-)

  8. Sparkling Says:

    I can't seem to open the 2nd video :(

  9. Dewdrop Says:

    U have been tagged!!! :)

  10. vinny Says:

    :):) u need to check ur 'dabba' connection.... ???

    very observant u r, must say that..always looking at twisted realities :)

  11. Scrawler - why did you remove post from my blog ;) BTW, I checked it here just now and video seems to be working.. otherwise try the other link on india TV site and then follow the link from there.. not sure if you are that much interested or not though !! :P

    BrownPhantom - so next best video is going to be from your side :)

  12. Deo - I can understand dude.. Microsoft ka namak khaya hai tumne :P

    Still - strange.. you too having same prob.. it works yaar.. see my comment above :))

  13. Dewdrop - aha.. will see it now :)

    Vin - that is how I am :P